Sunblock Spam :)
Rented bikes and cycled for some time... damn, the slopes were tiring :x i must be REALLLYY out of shape :x (promises to exercise more!) haha, sat at one of those rock thingys along the beach and talked, camwhored, basically slacking and enjoying ourselves :) oh yeahh, it was frigging hot and i totally spammed sunblock ;p hopefully, i won't wake up with a sunburn tmr :x
after some time, we continued cycling until the time was up and so, we returned our bikes and headed to.... COFFEE BEAN!! hahaha. the lattes were awesome :) i tried the new latte; dark chocolate peppermint ice blended. <3<3<3>
after Rani finished her muffin, we headed to the beach with our drinks, sat there and camwhored (again) haha. I SUCK AT TAKING PICTURES~~~ my hand always shakes :( most of the pics i took were too blurryy :(:( oh well, i think Rani's camera will have lots of pictures haha. *check out the pics on FACEBOOK :D (posting it tomorrow, i wanna sleep~ hahah)
when it reached around 7, we headed back, ate dinner at yew tee, then headed home :)
i think there's a mosquito bite on the underside of my knee :( so itchy sobs
Jealously and Heartache go perfectly hand in hand
anywayyyy.. prom is also over :( haha. check out the pics on facebook. :)
right now, my life is on the right track. with my place in SP secured, all i have to do now is wait for the results to come out. i hope i did well.
I CAN'T WAIT TO START WORKK!!! HAHAHAHA i'm working at TANGS Orchard whoooo. having been delagated to the women's fitting room, i believe that i will be having loads of fun laughing at aunties trying on ill-fitting clothing. JUST KIDDING. i hope. i dont wanna be blinded~ and hey! the pay is pretty good okayys. haha. to all you poor suckers who did not find a job; have fun wasting your hols away playing maple - *coughs* phoebe *coughs*
anyway, i intend to spend my hols working, shopping(loaddss of it), watching movies, and of course, catching up on my reading :) I must finish the 'Saga of the Seven Suns' by Kevin J. Anderson! And i also just started on Terry Brooks' books. I believe that his many works will keep me occupied for a long long time :)
i promise that my future posts wont be so boring~ i'm gonna take loads of pictures and post them. hahah *psst* maybe of even the aunties in their ill-fitting clothes teehee JUST KIDDING. you didnt believe that, did you? -.-
i think there is a frigging mosquito in my room. i just discovered over 5 bites. screw that mosquito. i hope you die of indigestion, shizz.
sometimes its easier to ignore the signs.. until its too late.. is it too late for us? or were we never a possibility? you tell me.