Sunday, 15 Feb o9 =D
ok im finally going to post ;D haha. yesterday was VALENTINE'S DAY! lols.. the day before valentines day, many people were giving out stuff! i would like to thank everyone who did! and i am SO SORRY that i didnt bake cookies this year! =x but.. i baked cookies for the real day itself :D and burned my finger in the process -.- and it is heart shaped.. how ironic. lols ok then on valentine's day, i woke up at 9 plus, slacked awhile, then got ready.. and left the house at 11.50 plus.. =x SORRY RANI!!! =x ok then i met rani at bukit batok. we went to west mall, bought some stuff and went KFC(shouldnt have =x) then terry and eric were suppose to meet us.. but they cabbed there instead -.- so we took 852 to meet wenyi and val.. and after that, met up terry and eric at the bukit timah hill visitor's centre. lols.. and we started walking up the main path.. it was.. damm f-ing steep.. wth.. i bet can roll down lahh.. if the ground wasnt so hard.. i would be tempted to try! xDD it looked fun haha. ok im lame sorry. yea.. we reached the top panting.. it was not what i expected! -.- i wanted to picnic on the ground lahh, but i forgot to bring the mat.. -.- MY FAULT!! SO SORRY!! then, we ate.. TERRY! I LOVE THE EGGS OK! I AM NOT GIVING YOU FACE LAHH! I REALLY LOVE THE EGGS!!! =x RANI! I LOVE YOUR HOT CHOCOLATE!! XD lols ok then after that we went back, rani and i went to lot 1 to buy some stuff, and borrow some books from the library and saw pasmine, joey, pearlyn, kangzheng, jeremy, the rest i cant rmb who =x PS lols. ok then we went to my house.. started on chinese lols but we slack cuz no mood, talk to phoebe via video call, make the ss board, watch gossip girl.. damm fun xD haha then we ate dinner too! oh my siblings ahh! damm FUNNY can?! cuz qi ying brought back a balloon for me :D then they ahh.. ask me for it.. then my sister inhale the helium. and she speak that time ahh!! DAMM FUNNY LAHH!! her voice become SUPER HIGH! damm gay ok. then when she laugh ahh... EVEN MORE FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHA! i laugh until my stomach pain ok =x ok then we continued slacking. and video called with joanne! lols! her lovestory! xD and aso chat chat lols.. haha then rani went home after we finished the board xD
ok then today, i met joanne and joey at 12 plus to go to rani's house to complete chinese lols. and.. we gossip until 6 plus then start doing LOL cuz both our groups doing the teenage sex topic. then we keep gossip xD so fun =x i know its damm bad to gossip but.. oh well.. haha
thw. hwta is rwogn iwht ouy? hyw actn ouy ees htta I am riritatde nda elaev it at htta? Or is oyru ksull too htikc to ocmprehedn it?! ujts ufckign tspo egttign on my enrvse!! I nkwo it is eslfihs to ays htsi, utb neouhg is neouhg. hWne iwll ouy hstu up?! hwne iwll ouy nkwo hwne to tspo??? atkl atkl atkl.. go on! atkl osmemoer! atkl itll oyru otngeu rdpo uto! ouy rea ilek an tihc I actn csrathc! admmti! 7 omer omntsh I ahev to neduer! I iwll be lgda hwne I rgaduaet! het rgeatets htign I ergrte own is ebign rfiensd iwht ouy. I etg lli-rteatde lla het ufckign item. nda ouy envre ontiec it! 7 omer omntsh! nda at elats I ahev tohre rteu rfiensd how anc be hteer orf me! htakn odg orf htme!
lols.. im just blogging for the sake of blogging.. i just realised that the only blogs i visit frequently are, terry's, qijun's, rani's, phoebe's, wenyi's and yuko's. thats damm.. sad. haha who cares.
ok, just to post some pics xD
oO guess what is that haha
Cleaning your butt? xD
taken in sec 2 ~ ~ i love this pic xD i think it looks damm cool.. (i went through a black and white phase in sec 2 lols)
Me and Rani at the 3/6 class chalet lols
My juniors and I. (jennifer is missing D:)
Ok the rest of the pics are damm cute lahh.. some are just... one word: EPIC
ok.. enough on the sec 1s. today's training quite fun. i didnt swim, so i helped coach to record timings, with the aid of yu ting and joceleen. btw, I LOVE JOCELEEN!! jk. lols. (inside joke =x) haha. i keep screaming in joceleen's ear about calvin's swimming haha. i want to be able to swim breathstroke(it is actually breaststroke, but i prefer using breathstroke since its the same haha) like calvin.. it looks damm nice la.. the smooth gliding.. and the speed! sighs.. practise makes perfect! haha lols. ok.. anyway, joceleen really put up with my nonsense today xD haha. thank you JOCELEEN!! haha.
nothing to say le... except..
LOL this video is like damm funny luh. must watch! haha
WATCH IT!!! =x