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Hi! Please be nice :)


10 NOVEMBER 1993
Reading is my escape from reality


.:`Daniel :p-
.:`De Wei-
.:`Di Hao-
.:`Find Your Perfect Match Here! Click This Link!!!-
.:`Jonathan Lee-
.:`Kian Hwee-
.:`Seok Xian-
.:`Wen Shan-
.:`Wen Yi-

Already told you! Old man tells more tales.
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010

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Designer: ek-love
Resources: code image background
March 6, 2010, 11:32 PM
Haven't been updating in awhile............. and wont be doing so in forever because because im ditching blogging in favor of fb and my diary. ciaos peeps <3

January 13, 2010, 11:43 PM
Fuck. i hate this. i hate this lack of anything. i'm stuck in limbo. just waiting and waiting for something to happen. fuck.

i should have found a job right after the tangs stint. the irony of it. when working, i wanted time to myself. now that i have all the time to myself, i want to work. wtf.

i can't stand this. fuck

and the guillotine blade comes flashing down
January 11, 2010, 10:16 PM
I got my results. And they were less than spectacular.
EL 1
Combined Humanities 2
Math 2
A Math 2
Chemistry 2
Biology 3
Chinese 5

I hate myself for not doing better in Math, Chem and Bio. I mean, c'mon. its freaking Emath. And i was so confident that I would get an A1 for chem. sucks to be me then. And bio! :( i always thought i would do better. well. i can't do anything now. :(

I hate it when some people come and "congratulate" me on fb. it's only 5 distinctions. i was aiming for 6. and not all A2s either. like wtf?

SY: Grats for the good results of O lvl!
Me: not funny. it wasnt good.
SY: :O
KZ: Wa you got so many distinction still not good, since when you so greedy one
Me: screw you. they were A2s not A1s
KZ: So what... Tbh i dont think you had such good results in school imo, so very good what, be happy
Me: thanks a bunch
SY: ya la! should be happy what for those who have no As must be sad

Like wtfffffff!! hello. i know i played and slacked in school. i know that i didn't do well in normal class tests cuz i barely studied. i know that i didnt start working hard till after prelims. but when i saw my prelim results, it was the biggest wake up call ever. i slogged my ass off. I gave up so much. and i know i am capable of doing better. you dont need to rub it in. and i dont need your "consoling". And I don't believe in comparing with others. Its about proving it to myself. So what if you think i am "greedy"? whatever. i don't need your opinion. Just fuck off. I don't want to talk to you. I don't ever want to see your face. I don't give a shit about what you think of me. My life, my results, is absolutely none of your business

Sorry. I couldn't keep that in. And I don't care if this pisses you off if you see it.

Enough of that negative energy. Poly life is soon to begin. Though it means studying and not going out so often, I can't wait. <3

Church | Subway | Frappes | Park | Jalan Kayu | and plenty of walking
January 3, 2010, 10:55 PM
well, my title pretty summed up my day :)
met Joey and Shaun at St Anne's, attended mass together, ate subway at Compass Point. i think my appetite is becoming smaller :( used to be able to finish a sub meal. cant even finish the sub now :(
walked around Compass Point a little, bought a book at popular, parted with joey; she was tired and wanted to rest at home
dragged Shaun to the library :p walked to sengkang cc to get frappes from mac. chatted until we finished our drinks, and decided to walk to the park nearby. Not long after we sat at a shelter, it started raining -.-so we ended up chatting until evening while waiting for the rain to stop.
decided to have dinner together as well, so Shaun brought me to Jalan Kayu to try the food there :) the food was pretty good, but v filling as well. note to self: order lesser next time :/
took the lrt back to sengkang station and parted there
all in all, it was quite an enjoyable day today :)

starting 2010 with a bang
January 1, 2010, 7:36 PM

Back from Jo's place :)
well, I'll keep it short and sweet
Celebrated the start of 2010 with Joey, Anjo, Shaun, Daniel and Theron. :)
Dinner and countdown at my place; waayy too much food left over. <3>
Took the last mrt to AMK and cabbed to Jo's place from there, while Theron went home.
Showered, played cards, I LEARNED TO PLAY TAITI LOL! had supper, or rather, a v early breakfast at Hougang mac.
Headed back to Jo's place, chatted, had a great time.
Played taiti again when we woke. Shaun left early to meet his parents.
Had a late lunch at pastamania :)
took the mrt back with Anjo and Daniel.
Guess what my maid cooked for dinner? Pizza. And I ate pizza for lunch at Pastamania. -.- I'm gonna be fat :(

"Baby, it's cold outside" OMG I HATE THIS SONG SO MUCH
December 18, 2009, 10:11 PM
Work; the very thought of it makes me feel like yanking my hair out.

Pros: Meet awesome people(and not so awesome ones like L), nice pay, I cant really think of anymore..
Cons: My brain cells are dying of boredom at such a rate that I fear there will be none left by next year. The stupid Christmas music that constantly repeats itself("Baby, it's cold outside" was repeated for over 3 hours today -.-) My feet hurt. I have no time for myself. My eyebags are getting worse. L is a pain in the ass. The list goes on
So why am I still with this job? I have no idea. I guess its better than rotting at home? The nice pay? I don't know :(

Today was just as boring as ever. The good thing about first shift is going home earlier. The sucky thing is that we have to wake up effing early :( I learned one thing. I don't ever want to be transferred to the gift wrapping counter. Seriously. What the hell is wrong with some people? Like, there are so many things to wrap. Everyone else has to take a queue number and come back when their stuff is done. And yet some people think that they are above everyone else and that just because there is no one else waiting(everyone else has taken a number and continued shopping), their stuff should be wrapped first. Effing unreasonable. Whatever. I WANT TO BE TRANSFERRED TO REDEMPTION LOL! Joey's quite lucky. No, she's not the joey from ccks. She gets paid to play computer games to advertise the HP computers and laptops. Sadly, the games are extremely juvenile and LAME. Oh well, the pros and cons of everything.. After work, took the MRT with Joey and Daniel. Too bad Joey lives so far away :x omg my feet felt like they were gonna drop off :x luckily, Daniel and I managed to find seats at... whoops, forgot the stop :p Well, took the MRT all the way to my stop, and walked(sobs) home.
I guess that's my story of the day. I UPDATED! :p

December 5, 2009, 3:54 AM
Just came back from at server/partially bartending gig at vivo city. some world cup countdown event. the pay is awesome okay; 10bucks/hr :D and i get to interact with hawt models :):):) they drank A LOT. hahah. and i never knew it was so fun to open the bottle caps hahahaha moral of the story: bartending is FUN hahahaha, srly, im so gonna work part-time bartending whenever i get the chance :)
okay, turning in now~ gotta wake up at 7 tmr :( sobs, 3 hours of sleep TT

Sunblock Spam :)
November 29, 2009, 11:45 PM

Had a fun day out with Rani <3>We met and reached ECP at around 2+, or is it 3+? whatever. haha, didnt keep track of time :x
Rented bikes and cycled for some time... damn, the slopes were tiring :x i must be REALLLYY out of shape :x (promises to exercise more!) haha, sat at one of those rock thingys along the beach and talked, camwhored, basically slacking and enjoying ourselves :) oh yeahh, it was frigging hot and i totally spammed sunblock ;p hopefully, i won't wake up with a sunburn tmr :x
after some time, we continued cycling until the time was up and so, we returned our bikes and headed to.... COFFEE BEAN!! hahaha. the lattes were awesome :) i tried the new latte; dark chocolate peppermint ice blended. <3<3<3>
after Rani finished her muffin, we headed to the beach with our drinks, sat there and camwhored (again) haha. I SUCK AT TAKING PICTURES~~~ my hand always shakes :( most of the pics i took were too blurryy :(:( oh well, i think Rani's camera will have lots of pictures haha. *check out the pics on FACEBOOK :D (posting it tomorrow, i wanna sleep~ hahah)
when it reached around 7, we headed back, ate dinner at yew tee, then headed home :)


i think there's a mosquito bite on the underside of my knee :( so itchy sobs

Jealously and Heartache go perfectly hand in hand
November 28, 2009, 1:12 AM
'O' Levels are OVER! ok. they have been over for more than a week now. lmao. anyway. the point is that i FINALLY updated my blog :D *round of applause*

anywayyyy.. prom is also over :( haha. check out the pics on facebook. :)

right now, my life is on the right track. with my place in SP secured, all i have to do now is wait for the results to come out. i hope i did well.

I CAN'T WAIT TO START WORKK!!! HAHAHAHA i'm working at TANGS Orchard whoooo. having been delagated to the women's fitting room, i believe that i will be having loads of fun laughing at aunties trying on ill-fitting clothing. JUST KIDDING. i hope. i dont wanna be blinded~ and hey! the pay is pretty good okayys. haha. to all you poor suckers who did not find a job; have fun wasting your hols away playing maple - *coughs* phoebe *coughs*

anyway, i intend to spend my hols working, shopping(loaddss of it), watching movies, and of course, catching up on my reading :) I must finish the 'Saga of the Seven Suns' by Kevin J. Anderson! And i also just started on Terry Brooks' books. I believe that his many works will keep me occupied for a long long time :)

i promise that my future posts wont be so boring~ i'm gonna take loads of pictures and post them. hahah *psst* maybe of even the aunties in their ill-fitting clothes teehee JUST KIDDING. you didnt believe that, did you? -.-

i think there is a frigging mosquito in my room. i just discovered over 5 bites. screw that mosquito. i hope you die of indigestion, shizz.

sometimes its easier to ignore the signs.. until its too late.. is it too late for us? or were we never a possibility? you tell me.

April 28, 2009, 8:12 PM
28 April 09

8.14 pm.

mood : depressed

okay im updating... link updates, you've gotta wait awhile though...

what do you do when everything you have based your life, you moral values, your decisions on, was stripped away, proved to be false, pointless? what is there left to do?

why is it that the world is so fucked up? gawd. is anything even going to change? are we caught in the flow of fate, with no way to escape? are we to spend our lives, and do what is dictated to us? get our 'O's, get into poly/jc. go uni/start working. stuck in the role paved for us. what is the point in living? my dream(which is so gawddamm unattainable to a person like me) is to study architecture in Yale. yea right man.. i can keep on dreaming. but even if i do achieve it, whats the point? what is the meaning in life? we are filled with materialistic wants. how do we find salvation? sometimes i wish the world would just end. that would spare us the trouble of living meaningless lives and still dying in the end anyway. oh hell, i dont know what to do. i dont know where to find motivation. am i just going to burnout and waste away? dammit whats wrong with me?


as Anita's life went on, her relationships with Nathaniel progressed. a love though possibly created by the ardeur, love it is. i opened my eyes and looked at us. if there is even an us. i knew that we were never meant to be. many instances were there that made me feel special, that you shared them only with me. i know different now. people ask me why i crush only on people whom are not real; Nathaniel, Legolas, people from books, or unattainable people; the hot teacher, chace crawford, people that dont even know me. the answer is simple. i didnt want anyone but you. but after i read those words, i looked back on the time we spent together. it is clear that you dont give a shit about me. hell, i cant even imagine spending my life with you. i admit, im a touchyfeely kind of girl. i like hugs, i like showing my love and concern for a person i care for. i cant even imagine being in your arms. and now i know why. we just werent meant to be. my last goodbye to my love for you.

Sonetimes, even Milka chocolate cant ease my woes.
